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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Hospitality, for_children: n"
The Holy Intimacy of Strangers Explores the spiritual practice of hospitality and unspools it as a way to neutralize our natural tendency to rush to judgment.
Coming Home A trailblazing primer on the non-exclusionary mystical path of interspirituality.
A New Religious America A watershed work mapping the changes in the soulscape of this nation, the challenges stemming from diversity, and the usefulness of the activities of the interfaith movement.
Pacem in Terris The story of how Franck, a painter and sculptor, turned ruins of an old mill into a transreligious oasis.
Making a Successful Jewish Interfaith Marriage A helpful overview for this increasingly common arrangement.
Common Prayers A sophisticated and sensitive mapping of Judaism's depths by a theologian who is married to a commited Jew and is raising a Jewish son.
Introducing Theologies of Religions Summarizes the present situation in interfaith dialogue and points the way to the future.
Show Me Your Way A resourceful and pensive scout in the new territory we may all be exploring in years to come.
Arise, My Love . . . Heralds a global Christianity that is open to mystery, hospitable to all religions, self-emptying and prophetic.
Christian Hermit in an Islamic World Tribute to a French priest who showed us how to be graceful guests in the house of Islam.